Sierra de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama Natural Park (Málaga, January-September 2011)

There are three protected natural areas in Málaga: ‘Montes de Málaga’, ‘Sierra de las Nieves’ and ‘Sierra de Tejeda, Almijara y Alhama’. My trips in Málaga were divided between these three natural parks. However, I think ‘Montes de Málaga’ is less interesting and I just did some mountain bike plans there. About ‘Sierra de las Nieves’ I speak in other chapter.  Finally, ‘Sierra de Tejeda, Alhama and Almijara’, the mountains of the wonderful region of Axarquia. This place is different from the rest of Málaga; the weather is wetter and the country side greener. There are many tropical fruit fields, and even it’s known as the tropical coast. I love its Arabian villages. They are beautiful white spots in the middle of the mountain slopes. In the natural park, it is so difficult not to see mountain goats.
And three Axarquia's climbs: Maroma (2068 meters, the unique point in Málaga higher than two thousand,  although the summit belongs to Granada), Pico del Cielo (1508 meters but starting almost at the sea level!) and Cerro Lucero (1779 meters). For me, the last one is maybe the most beautiful mountain in Málaga. It has got a perfect pyramid shape, good high mountain atmosphere, and a very nice small river at the beginning.

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